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Research needs:


  1. What should be part of the education and training? Specify education and training needs per target group.

  2. What has been the impact of the education and training of all the efforts of the numerous projects?

  3. To what extent is the knowledge used by farmers? How can this be increased?

  4. What is the most effective mechanism for delivering education and training?

  5. How can the community members (e.g. youth) be involved in education and training of other community members?


Training, which is defined here as the development of new skills, can increase the effectiveness of project implementation on the farms as well as provide an incentive for farmers to participate. During the field visit, many farmers indicated that access to training was an important reason to join the project.

When farmers learn how to increase their cocoa production this reduces the need to shift or expand the farm and can thus help to reduce forest encroachment (Anon., personal communication). Therefore, Good Agricultural Practices should be a part of the training farmers receive in the project. Good Environmental Practices and Good Social Practices should also be incorporated (Anon., personal communication). Other topics that can be included in training schemes are: the most effective integration of shade trees on the farm and their management (Anon., personal communication). If a project offers additional livelihoods it should also provide extensive training on how to manage this (Anon., personal communication). It might be possible to train young people in the communities to do extension in the communities or to play a role in farmer organisation (Anon., personal communication). Finally, farmers can be trained on financial literacy, organisational skills and on how to identify and address their own needs (Anon., personal communication).Attendance on trainings can be a problem. You need to plan it with the communities (Anon., personal communication) and you can provide incentives (Anon., personal communication). Moreover, farmer organisations can improve accessibility to education and training (Anon., personal communication). Finally, it appears that often only a small number of farmers actually do something with what they learn at farmer field schools. This might be because the message is not adapted to the audience. Each person has their own interests, motivations and information needs (Anon., personal communication).

M. de Graaf (2015)
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