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Food Security

Due to increasing land scarcity, it is possible that less land is available for cultivation of food crops since it is more valuable when used for cocoa or sold to mining companies. This could lead to reduced availability of (quality) food and further encroachment into the forest. Therefore, it could be relevant to determine which crops can grow in the cocoa landscape for personal use and perhaps provide additional income during the lean season. Moreover, education to increase knowledge and awareness on healthy and safe food and post-harvest treatment might improve food security. However, it is important to consider the effects of chemicals that are used on the cocoa farms on food quality. Moreover, the land tenure arrangements might not always allow caretakers to use the land for anything other than cocoa cultivation (Anon., personal communication).


Research needs:


  1. To what extent is food production (instead of cocoa) a driver of encroachment?

  2. Can food crops be cultivated within the cocoa shaded system?

    1. Technical: which crops could coexist with cocoa trees?

    2. Safety: What is the effect of the agrochemicals on the food crops?

    3. Tenure: are caretakers allowed to grow/intercrop food crops on the cocoa farms?


Further  reading:










M. de Graaf (2015)
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