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Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES)


Research needs:


  1. How could PES be implemented in the project?

  2. What are the environmental services in the landscape?

  3. How can farmers protect these services?

  4. What should be the benefit sharing scheme for PES?

Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) is a relatively new concept, and though it is often mentioned as a potentially important contribution to sustainable land use, there also seems to be a lot of confusion and at the moment it is not yet applied on a large scale. There have been pilots in cocoa landscapes though, for example by AgroEco-Louis Bolk (See: Felperlaan, Van Zijl, De Lange, Bos, & Van Elzakker, 2011).

In order to make PES work, it first needs to be determined which ecosystem services are provided by the landscape (on different scales) and how these can be protected. The effectiveness of these protection efforts then needs to be measurable in order to verify them before payments are made. Another important aspect to consider is how the payments should be distributed. Especially at the landscape level it might be difficult to determine who is actually protecting the ecosystem services. The benefit sharing scheme needs to be clear and supported by all stakeholders. Finally, until PES schemes can be implemented effectively, it is important to be careful about raising hopes for cocoa farmers (Anon., personal communication).

Further  reading:


Felperlaan, A., Van Zijl, M., De Lange, V., Bos, M., & Van Elzakker, B. (2011). PES and cocoa: Securing future supplies and preserving biodiversity by paying cocoa farmers for Ecosystem Services.








M. de Graaf (2015)
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